
Showing posts from November, 2017

Nozama 2

Mehcad and Ed had given Ryan over to the Man Maidens to get cleaned up to see the King. Ryan was in a pool of Heated water nude with Wes Bentley and Zac Efron. The Steam creeped along the water's surface like sublimation. With Wes on his left and Efron on his right, they rubbed down Ryan's body with wet, heated rags, slowly but firmly rubbing out the sweat and dirt which would be delightful for anyone else but not for the first private audience for the King. Zac caressed Ryan's hard, smooth pecs. Wes rubbed the rag across Ryan's strong thighs, which made the Outsider's cock stiffen. Wes moved to the balls, caressing the jewels like priceless artifacts making the pink bulbous head of Ryan's 9 inch cock peek out. Zac grasped ahold that cock and started pumping it. Ryan held on to both their shoulders as his breath shortened at the sensations. He closed his eyes and flung his head back. "Fuck" escaped his lips almost silently. Then Wes creeped his index f